Wednesday, September 27, 2006

One Month

It's been a month since the folks escaped the event horizon that surrounds the singularity of Bristol, CT and settled in here in Nottingham. I feared they'd feel nostalgic, or begin hating the children after a week, but much more so I feared Dad would create endless problems.

Happily, all's been good. Dad's made some problems and he's chattered on occasionally, but thus far the arrangement has proven out. In fact, I’m going to miss them being around when they’re moved into their place. Mom’s especially helpful, and Dad’s great at playing with the kids.

I must credit Jay and Ken Eddings as well. Without their speedy work and most accommodating natures all would not be well. Any tension surrounding the building of the house would inevitably spill over into the home, and thanks to Jay and Ken there’s been almost none.

Now, I just need to find more time to write with them around. They’re not going to be moving into their place until at least another month goes by.


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