Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Weekend Fun

We had my oldest brother Frank and his new girlfriend Adriana up for the holiday weekend, and it was good times.  Adriana seems warm, and she can hold her own when it comes to Frank (but not overbearing or mean).  Also, she’s a big Buffy fan (more than Frank) so that’s a plus.  We hope things work out for the both of them.  

I grilled sirloin tips for them the first night complemented by Amanda’s most excellent cucumber salad and baked potatoes.  On Sunday we used the leftover sirloin for Eggs Benedict, then Frank and I went to Smiley’s for a Belgian beer run, then he and Adriana cooked pork chops and potato dumplings.  Monday Frank took us to the Chauncy Creek Lobster Pier in Kittery, which was good eats.  Amanda and I shared a two pounder and Hazel discovered she loves steamed mussels.  Gabriel stuck with the fries, as usual.  Afterwards I took the family to Annabelle’s in Portsmouth, and on the way we hit Mainly Gourmet ... oh yeah.  Their chocolate covered cherries are unlike any others.  

And in other notable news, Frank beat me at a game for the first time in about twenty years.  In fact, he won all three games of “Grave Robbers From Outer Space,” and in the last two he came back from big deficits in the last two hands.  


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