Tuesday, November 27, 2007

On Writing Tips

I was just reading some tips on writing (I just can't help but look because I hate myself for not writing more) and, as usual, wondering if these would work. I feel like a chronic dieter.

One of the tips was to always write at the same time of day for the same amount of time, but that's been challenging for me for a couple of reasons: having two small children and two small dogs and two parents living with me usually adds up to frequent distractions plus my work schedule often leads to crunch times when I can't go to the bathroom because of fires that need putting out. Still, I try. Outlook reminds me everyday at the appointed hour. I've been moving that hour around for months trying to find the most productive time, which I think is in the morning.

Another tip I read and have read often is to write crap and not be afraid of it. Well, I guess that's what this blog was for, but I still feel awfully guilty writing junk. I ought to have more going on inside my skull than aimless thoughts, but on too many days when the appointed hour arrives I look inside there and that's all I see. Maybe I'm just too mediocre, too lame, too uncreative to be a writer. Eh, I doubt that's going to stop me.

I think I've got another story due at the end of the week. Eric's prompt was "It's alive!" and I've been mulling over it for about a week. I've got a decent kernel of an idea and now I need to wrap a plot around it.


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