Wednesday, June 14, 2006

News Catchup

Bush had a good week.  Zarqawi is dead, and that's great news.  You could feel the sigh of relief flow from Iraq and Jordan.  Also, the Iraqi government is finally fully formed.  I don't think it's too late for them to gain credibility and bring stability to Baghdad, where it's got to start.  As Fareed Zakaria said on ABC News last night, Baghdad is a racial microcosm of Iraq, and if they can solve the Baghdad problem then they can secure Iraq.  We need to win this, because McCain is right when he says that, unlike Vietnam, after the enemy wins in Iraq they’ll come after us.

Now if only we could nail Mullah Omar ... and Al-Zawahiri ... and Bin Laden.

Btw, props to the President for his surprise trip to Iraq.  He gave the new Iraqi government further prestige while stealing headlines with style.  I disagree with almost all of the major decisions the man has made (invading Afghanistan being a big exception), but when he says that he doesn’t care about politics in this situation I believe him.  

Speaking of the President’s good fortune, Karl Rove wasn't indicted.  Too bad.  I'll never forgive him for the way he smeared McCain in South Carolina.  That man is as dirty as a movie theatre floor.

In less happy news, the South Central Farmers have lost their fight.  Daryl Hannah brought attention to their labors recently, and she got arrested with them.  Out of all the celebrities in L.A., you’d think that others with star power would have come out to stand with the farmers and help raise money.  

Not to leave you on a downer, go here and help McDonald's select a new mascot.  Won't you help?  My money is on McHatma McGahdi.


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