Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nottingham Games Day Set

The family gaming event being sponsored by the Nottingham PTA has been set for Saturday April 5th from 6-9 p.m. (so more of a Games Night). I'm writing up a promo flyer, and Amanda and Dad and I will create a few plaque designs to give away to the Wii Tennis winners. Should be good times, assuming we get all our ducks in a row (I think we'd be better off having the event in the afternoon, but there might have been a conflict with another event).

In XO laptop news, I read last night that somebody who donated on the same day as me received his laptop last week, so I might get mine any day now. In preparation I've looked up some info on upgrading the OS, the firmware (not sure if I'll need to do that) and other miscellaneous upgrades.


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