Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Brought to you by the letters X and O

Along with a serious number of typos. Wow this keyboard is small. I have to press my fingers together just to fit them on the home row keys. That's by far the biggest issue at the moment. I'm writing this post on it and it's sloooow. I mean, mytyping is slow,but the machine is sluggish too. More on that in a minute.

My three month wait ended today when Fedex finally delivered my white and green bundle of joy. Since unboxing I've installed Firefox and subsequently discovered that it's really slow. In fact, I switched out of Blogger two sentences ago and moved to Abiword for that very reason. So, first impressions: seriously cute machine that must know that it's a kid magnet (both Hazel and Gabe were drawn to it as if it were a television playing cartoons), tiny keyboard that's a real challenge to a touch typist (as my ridiculous amount of errors here would have attested were I not culling them like a copyeditor on speed), --- hang on ... pausing because Amanda just shut the light and I'm deciding whether I prefer the grayscale or backlight modes; backlight better for legibility but the radiation coming at my eyes causes strain I can feel immediately where grayscale is much easier on the peepers but I get some glare from my booklight ... ok, upping the fontsize helped. Where was I? First impressions. Love the screen swivel, and the screen itself is really sharp, especially the grayscale mode.

So I'm going to try swapping out Firefox and using Seamonkey since I heard it runs more smoothly on lower end hardware. But that's for tomorrow; tonight I'll try the ebook capabilities :D


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