Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Games Day Coming Up

I’m waiting for a test export to finish and it’s taking so very long that I thought I’d drop in for some freewriting, something that I should do everyday (at least those days when I’ve got a minute between compiles or test iterations).  

So there’s a Games Day coming up.  Wayne over at New Heights has taken the helm and he should do a great job.  I’m scheduled to run a Buffy episode, but I’m not at all sure what to run.  I could always default to a rerun, but I’ve got a funny feeling about keeping the same cast.  Honestly, I’d love to see some of the characters that got short shrift earlier get more attention.  Wiley wasn’t even in the pilot, and I’d love to see Zoe’s secret play out.  Both are solid characters, but maybe I should create others?  I seriously considered running a different game altogether, but I love the Unisystem Cinematic rules.  Everything else looks so clunky by comparison.  

Damn, those sad associations don’t go away, though.  I’m remembering Hector, and the badness between Brad and Jill.  You can’t go home again.  It was good times while it lasted.  Amanda and I wrote some good stuff, and it was a hoot.  Hopefully we can get to that same place someday.

What do you think about a Marvel super heroes game?  Maybe because of the upcoming X3 film I’ve been thinking about mutants and the like lately.  I remember having a million ideas for super powered characters when I was a kid, not uber-types but more like The New Mutants; kids who were too young and awkward and had serious hang ups.  One of my favorite examples of the type was in that comic, Sam Guthrie.  For starters, he was anything but the muscle-rippling buff-boy.  Sam was a slouching jug-eared bean pole.  His power enabled him to fly, but his use of it was fumble-fingered because he was afraid of heights.  There, ladies and gentlemen, was a compelling character.  And then there was Doug Ramsey, whose power was the refreshingly non-combat related ability to easily understand any language.  I really should collect that book.


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